My girlfriend and I agreed that we would not smoke marijuana inside of our apartment.
We didn’t want the place to smell like an ashtray or a cigarette.
When I broke my leg at work, I was stuck on the couch for a couple of weeks. I was very woozy from the drugs and I couldn’t leave the couch. I wasn’t worried about using recreational marijuana, because I had pain pills. When the doctor said no to the pain pills, I had to start getting off the couch so I could walk outside and smoke. It was extremely painful, but I found a way to make it work. Then the AC unit broke down. There was no cold air in the house at all and the temperature was getting warmer and warmer. The fan in the living room was the only break I had from the heat. There was absolutely no way that I was going to leave the living room. I gave up on the rules and I lit up a joint in the living room. I only smoked one marijuana joint. I was hoping my girlfriend would not be able to smell marijuana when she came home from work. The moment that she opened up the door, she started yelling about the smell of marijuana. I could not hide the smell, but she was more concerned with the air conditioner problem than the smell of marijuana. We had a big problem on our hands and I was unable to reach the landlord. I tried three or four times and left two messages, and I was out of ideas.