We have been pot farmers for a long while

This means that as word of our wonderful cannabis has spread, demand has increased a good amount while production stays the same.

I happen to be the seventh generation of pot farmers in my family tree… My people have been growing weed in the foothills for such a long time, plus it is a mantle I am totally proud to carry! We honestly have some traditions particular to our family, plus because of that we have a particular crop that others fail to replicate. The bunch of us have never chose to upscale the operation, never gotten greedy, plus consistently grew enough to support the family. The beauty of this operation is that since we never increase the size of our marijuana crops, we never have an excess to get rid of. This means that as word of our wonderful cannabis has spread, demand has increased a good amount while production stays the same. Every year our brand of cannabis becomes even more popular, plus people are willing to pay more money. This makes it so our profits increase every year even though our yield does not. The sales price for our cannabis has increased tenfold over the last decade, bringing in several times more money than when my own father chose to retire… Of course these profits aren’t merely for me, the cannabis grow was a family operation from the start, plus all profits are divided amongst all family members who are living. My kids are still under the age of five, so I have some time to go before I can pass the family cannabis corporation down to them! At the rate our profits are improving though, this strain of cannabis will ensure that we always can work on the farm in this family.

Purple cannabis