I smoke flower from time to time, however I mostly vape concentrate products.
My wife and I have been going down south to spend the Wintertide months; Last year we spent more than one months in the same locale. The people I was with and I explored the desert and a few locales with natural Springtimes. The people I was with and I saw volcanoes made of mud and geysers spewing hot water. The weather was genuinely boiling and comfortable, so we opted to go back to the same locale this year. I didn’t mind the boiling air and sunshine in February, and there were other reasons that made the part charming. The low prices on recreational marijuana products made the choice easy too. They were lower than the state average and every 1 of the local dispensaries offered free delivery, but when our wife and I were there last year, they gave away a free pre-roll with every purchase. This year, we found out that the county no longer allows patients to earn anything free with their orders. I was totally bummed out, especially when I didn’t find out until the driver arrived with the order. I wanted to assume where our free pre roll was and she looked surprised. Apparently they stopped that special last year; My wife and I still continue to order cannabis products from the delivery service. They have superb prices and an absurdly big selection of concentrates. I smoke flower from time to time, however I mostly vape concentrate products. I appreciate badder, shatter, and liver resin. I vape with a pen every afternoon too. It’s easy and discreet and leaves no stink in the air. The pen is perfect for smoking at home.