The last one to arrive was the most liked

I was pretty gleeful when I found out that Jacky was going to be done with laboring early enough to come to our Superbowl party, and Jacky is a single of our very best friends plus the girl cares about pigskin almost as much as I do.

  • Jacky usually works on Tuesdays plus she did not suppose that the boss would provide her with the afternoon off or not.

When Jacky was tied up to labor at the pot shop on Tuesday, I did not expect to see him at my house at all. When Jacky showed up a few seconds before kick-off, pretty much everyone was surprised. Jacky was the last woman to arrive, but she was very the most famous girl at the party. Jacky came right from the dispensary plus she brought multiple party favors. Jacky surprised pretty much everyone with a 7g joint that also had a whole gram of concentrate infused into the joint wrap. It took an entire quarter ounce for our friends plus I to smoke the whole joint. I was completely plus totally blitzed by the time we were all done smoking the joint. I do not even remember most of the second quarter. I suppose that I fell asleep when the ball was returned plus I did not wake up until after the third quarter more than one second warning. Thankfully our home team won the game. When Jacky was getting ready to leave the party, I thanked the girl for coming plus bringing lots of cool party supplies. Jacky handed me another pre roll plus told me to save it until the end of the night when everybody left.

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