At the start of the COVID pandemic, I basically had to transport back in with my mom… My father had passed last year, & Mom still wasn’t doing entirely well! When it came time to hunker down for a certain amount of time, I realized that she shouldn’t be all alone for super long… I moved into my former room, set up my own home office, & made a little nest there with Mom… Things were not too bad, & I’m ecstatic I went.
Of course, the transition away from smoking cannabis was not especially easy.
I am a common, & I mean “Several times per afternoon” style of cannabis smoker. Since I work from home, I can just pack bowls of cannabis buds at my work station through the daytime hours. Much to my shock, Mom had me hooked up in the best way & didn’t realize it, because she had become skillful at making her own edibles. At her advanced age & declining health, it wasn’t a good move for her to smoke cannabis. She had a prescription for it, however. She decided that if she was unable to smoke it, she would use her baking skills to make some of the finest edibles & get high still. The apple certainly doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess you could say. At this point I had no clue in the slightest that my mom used cannabis. She explained that it was relatively recent, & she had started using cannabis after my dad passed, to help her cope. I am ecstatic I could actually bond with my mother this way, & I must admit she makes pretty awesome edibles.