The dispensary offers free consultations to help you learn more about medical marijuana

I know terrible for the elderly people in my community.

Both of us don’t have the best wheelchair accessibility at local contractors and the predominant age around here is school to early 40s.

They’re running out into the road without any care for other people or the cars that are about to hit them. And despite what most people assume, I’ve seen as much or more reckless driving from people under 30 in this section as I have with senior citizens. There is a bus service for those over 65, however it’s fairly limited with the few stops available. The people in my state need to thank all of the kind and comromantic seniors who voted to pass the constitutional amendment that legalized medical cannabis here in 2016. Many of the clients at the cannabis dispensary everyday are people over 65 years old. Thankfully most of the cannabis dispensaries offer free consultations to help you learn more about medical marijuana and the products that they offer and how they differ. Depending on a person’s medical needs, 1 strain might be better than another. You don’t want to give a strong sativa strain to a patient who’s only concern is insomnia. Likewise, you’d avoid indicas if you were struggling with chronic fatigue. My preferred medical cannabis dispensary has proficiencyable budtenders that know a lot about the strains offered at their store. If I need something for digestive pain, I know that they will steer me in the right direction if I ask for their advice. Some cannabis dispensaries cycle through so many unusual strains that I can’t imagine it’s simple for their employees to learn what works and what doesn’t for multiple medical needs.


Medical Marijuana Card Renewal