The dispensary lost of our order

My bestie Max came over to my apartment to spend the evening plus I forgot to go to the dispensary before he arrived! I was bummed about forgetting the food I would make for supper plus I never stopped to recognize that our recreational marijuana supplies were low until he was on his way up from the street.

When Max walked through the door, I told him that the two of us needed to order from the dispensary quickly.

I knew they stopped taking delivery orders right around 8 p.m. plus it was already after 7 o’clock, however Max plus I ordered several weird items from the dispensary… One item that Max was actually excited about was a cannabis Elixir drink that was really high in thc! This cannabis Elixir drink contained 1000 mg of THC. It sounded really crazy, however MAx and I wanted to try it. Most of the time I gained a telephone call from the dispensary about 15 or 20 minutes after I make the order. They call to confirm the order, supply me the total, plus discuss any items that are possibly out of stock. When I had not heard from the dispensary by 8, I decided to call down to the shop. The budtender on the PC could not find our order in the system. I asked to speak with the manager that was on duty. The guy came to the PC plus he told me that there was no record of our order being placed. I didn’t want to lose our temper, so I stayed calm then told the manager that I had an order confirmation number. The guy put me on hold plus came back to the line a couple of minutes later, and he found the order plus was quickly very apologetic.


Cannabis for sale