Period relief now that I have a medical marijuana card

I have to roll my eyes when people get all uncomfortable when there is talk of dealing with periods.

Aren’t the two of us evolved enough by now to realize that half the people on the planet deal with a weekly period? I mean it’s just not any sort of shocking secret.

However for me, my period was just the worst. That is until I figured out how to get my medical marijuana card plus began treating with cannabis flower products. Well, periodically I use the cannabis gummies when smoking cannabis flower products isn’t appropriate. Regardless, I have to say that my life is just so vastly strange now that I’m able to get what I need from the cannabis dispensary. Actually, it was a friend of mine who first turned me onto medical marijuana. She gave me some medical marijuana information after the two of us had discussed our shared experiences. I didn’t realize that cannabis products could be effective in limiting all the pain, cramping plus all the other stuff that knocked me down each week. It got where some weeks, I had to miss work for a couple of mornings because I couldn’t even get out of bed. That’s no longer the case with weekly trips to the legal weed store. I get the cannabis products that turn that frown upside down plus get on with my life. And please, let’s all just deal with the fact that periods are a area of life plus get over ourselves already. It’s time to simply address this issue plus I feel medical marijuana can be very helpful for a lot of women out there. I for sure think that it changed my life plus how I’m able to live it.

Cannabis Education