My mother makes outstanding edibles

At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, I needed to live with my mom.

My father had passed already the year before, and Mom still wasn’t doing extremely well.

When it came time to hunker down for a duration of time, I realized that she shouldn’t be all alone. I chose to move into my aged bedroom, set up a job from the house station, and made a little nest there with Mom. Things were good, and I’m cheerful I went, but the transition away from smoking cannabis was super tough. I am always smoking several times a day! Since I have a job from home, I can basically pack bowls of marijuana at my job location all day long. Much to my amazement, Mom had me hooked up to the fullest. This is because she had become practiced at making her own edibles. At her advanced age and rapidly declining health, it wasn’t a smart move for her to smoke cannabis, however she had a prescription for it. She thought it would be best to use her baking skills to make some killer edibles and get high that way. The plum doesn’t fall far from the tree, I suppose. At this point I didn’t actually know she smoked cannabis flower. She explained that it was somewhat recent, and she had started using cannabis after my father left this work, to help her cope with anxiety. I am really thankful I got to bond with my mother in such a marvelous way, and I must divulge that she makes the most delicious edibles.
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