My liver doesn’t respectfully absorb THC in marijuana edibles love another person’s

My marijuana physician has suggested cannabis edibles to me, especially with treating PTSD.

However, I have told him about my spotty history with cannabis edibles.

When I tried one for the first time in school, I was shocked when I barely observed any effects. I believe it was a jar of tinctures & I kept taking them to no avail with little to no effects to take note of. After going through the entire bottle of cannabis tinctures & feeling basically no effects, I decided to stick with smoking cannabis. I basically assumed that there was something wrong with me & that my digestive plan simply couldn’t absorb THC. With that assumption, I abruptly took a chocolate that a friend of mine brought back from Colorado after a trip to see family. I later found out that it had the equivalent amount of THC that you find in an fourth of an ounce of dry-cured cannabis flower buds, so roughly 600-690mg of THC. I ate this ridiculously potent piece of chocolate in a single resting & had an unbelievably uncomfortable experience afterward. It’s not even necessarily love “tripping,” since I’ve had psychedelics & they tend to be milder on the body than cannabis at those high doses. However, I have yet to find a cannabis edible in the years since that has worked. I can’t afford to consume hundreds of milligrams of THC just to get the effects. If I smoked the same amount of THC in flower buds or concentrates, I would be laid out on the floor & feeling catatonic.



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