My first time smoking marijuana was on the farm

The first time I had to spend a summer vacation on the farm I was almost 15 years old, and a total neighborhood nancy boy.

Thanks to some fights at school, my parents decided to let myself and others cool my heels in the middle of farming country with my aged Grandparents.

This was intended not as a harsh punishment, but more of a reminder of what life could be like. It turns out that by the end of the warm season I was upset about returning to the city. I had come to like the quiet country life, mostly because of some cool men I had met, and their access to a field of cannabis. At that time, I had never smoked marijuana before, although I acted as if I had done it a lot. In the neighborhood I was a nerd, but as the lone neighborhood slicker in the country I seemed mysterious and cool to these other boys, so I acted appreciate cannabis was no substantial deal to me. That didn’t last very long, because soon after I got high for the first time, and as you know cannabis acts like a truth serum. I got so blazed on this stuff, which later on I would realize was absolutely low quality cannabis, that all my lies and truths came spilling out. Everyone else there was so high they either didn’t care, or didn’t remember afterward, because all of us met up at the small marijuana patch again the next afternoon to do it again! The weekly marijuana smoking sessions turned into some deep conversations and real, lasting friendships, 1s that I maintain to this absolutely afternoon, then so you better be sure that I was uneasy about the warm season ending!


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