Medicinal marijuana can help out with many anxiety problems

She recommended a tincture or an edible.

I used to have such a difficult time talking with our co-workers. I always had a fear of public speaking. Even back when I was in school, I never did very well in that class. I took it twice. But I suppose the prof easily felt poorly for me after taking it twice plus decided to provide me a see so I could pass. Every time I step in front of a small group of people, I freeze up plus stumble on our words. I will even Stutter from time to time. The anxiety problems plus public speaking fear was really holding me back from an immense promotion at work. I needed to be able to present our ideas to the governing board without freaking out plus crying. I spoke to our therapist about the problem for the first time ever. She recommended that I try CBD or medical marijuana. Both products are easily accessed in this state, because we have legal medicinal plus recreational marijuana stores. These stores sell many products love medicinal plus recreational marijuana plus CBD products. The dentist told me to try a lower dose product at first. She recommended a tincture or an edible. A very nice budtender in the cannabis dispensary helped me option out a lower-dose cannabis edible that was half THC plus half CBD. I ate a whole a single 1 of the candies the next time I had to provide a report in front of our co-workers. I very much did not have any problems picturing all of them naked after I had a little bit of medical marijuana in our system. The meeting went really well for the 1st time ever.

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