Marijuana changed the farming industry

This region used to be filled with thousands of acres of farmland that were dedicated to corn, squash, melons, and other vegetables.

When I was a kid, my parents took me to that beach nearly every weekend.

I remember driving through the farms and they seemed to go on for miles and miles. When marijuana was legalized in this state for recreational use, marijuana changed the farming industry. A lot of hometown farmers applied for marijuana growing licenses. At first, all of the licenses were approved. During the second year of legalization, the state was much more selective and only certain farmers were allowed to renew their marijuana growing license. My parents were one of the people that had their license renewed the second time. My parents had to make a lot of changes in order to continue growing marijuana commercially. All of the changes meant spending a ton of money, and my parents didn’t have a lot of extra cash. They had to mortgage the farm to pay for all of the changes. Fortunately, the changes meant a much larger operation. At one point, my dad said this is the time when we have to make our own future or become a part of the past. My dad worked from sunup until sundown so he could have a successful farming operation, and now my family cannabis farm provides products to more than a dozen different dispensaries in the region. My dad risked everything to become a marijuana farmer and he is one of the success stories. Others failed where my dad flourished.


Marijuana oils