I was stranded for three days without anyway to get weed

My roommates have been dating for the past six weeks.

They think it is a secret, but I’ve known the whole time.

I let them think they are being sneaky and sly, but I know the truth. I’m not sure if they are worried about my reaction, but I do wish they would come out of the closet. Last weekend they went to a bed-and-breakfast and spa retreat. In my opinion, that screams couple relationship. Since the place was three hours from the apartment, the guys borrowed my car. I didn’t mind being stuck at the apartment. I thought I had plenty of beer, marijuana, and food. Unfortunately, I misjudged the amount of dried marijuana flower that I had in my bag and I ran out of weed on the third day. I really thought I had another bag of weed in my safe, but it was just an empty pouch. The guys had my car so I couldn’t go to the dispensary. The delivery service wouldn’t bring items to me unless I had cash. I didn’t have any cash, because I don’t normally carry cash in my wallet. I asked the manager at the dispensary to help me out, but she couldn’t bring me supplies without payment. I couldn’t go to the ATM, because the guys had my car. I was stuck all day with just my vape pen. When the guys finally got home from the weekend away, they offered to go to the dispensary for me. I decided to send those two sneaky fellows and I asked them to pick up pizza and cheesesteaks too.



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