I never spend a lot of money on cannabis, because it’s straight-forward to find all over town, however since cannabis was legalized for recreational use, the price of weed has dropped significantly. There are plenty of businesss that offer low prices on halves as well as quarters. If you look for the best sale prices each day, it’s straight-forward to find an third for under $20 all day long. I tend to be frugal with our purchases, because I like to smoke all day. I enjoy cannabis as well as I smoke it all day just like I would a cigarette or cigar. I can’t afford to spend fifty bucks on a n third of weed, just because it was grown indoors in a factory. I assume some of the top shelf strains are amazing, however are they really twice as amazing? I don’t assume they are, so I stick with the cheap stuff. I got a enjoyable deal from the cannabis shop last night, because I knew the budtender working at the counter. She offered myself and others the industry discount, which is 25% off. Everyone that works in the cannabis industry can acquire a discount if they show their ID. It’s a wonderful way to promote cross advertising between stores. I don’t work for the cannabis shop, however our friend didn’t make myself and others show any ID as well as I saved 25% on everything in cannabis order. To be honest, I would have ordered more items if I had known that she was going to give myself and others a discount. I had our eye on a live rosin that was a tad costly.