I really appreciate finding a great sale plus double dipping

Most marijuana dispensaries won’t allow you to stack your sale items plus prices.

  • If you are a 1st-time patron then the savings is 30%, you cannot stack a yearly 20% savings on top of that.

There are a couple of local venues that still allow stacking up discounts, but it is extremely rare. A new pot shop opened on the 5th of March plus I went to the shop just a few days after the grand opening celebration. The special deal on that afternoon was 15% off any edible cannabis products. When I heard about this sale, I started browsing the selection of edible cannabis products. The budtender came over to say hi plus asked if I needed any additional help. She also reminded me that I was going to acquire a 1st-time patient discount of 30%. She informed me that the sale was even stackable with the yearly deals on edibles. That meant all of the Edibles would be almost half price for me. When I heard this amazing news, I right away grabbed more than one of the chocolate bars that I was looking for. They were $45 each plus very the style of purchase I would not normally make. Since the items were already 45% off, they were a bit more affordable plus in our price range. Of course, after trying out the chocolate bars, I am completely plus totally hooked. I still buy them once every month plus most of the time I spend our money full price. I think the 1st-time patient special plus stacking really worked, because I am hooked on these chocolate bars.

recreational pot store