I understand why they don’t allow smoking in old folk’s homes. A lot of them are in exhausting health, plus have breathing complications, so you can’t have ambient smoke in the air. That said, I also guess that senior citizens are a demographic that benefits from marijuana more than almost any other. The medicinal aspects of pot use are well documented, plus often bring a higher quality of life to the elderly. All of this is a preamble to explain how I got into the supplier of making edibles to sell at the local old folks homes. It’s undoubtedly profitable, although I also get to ensure that these charming old people have access to smokeless cannabis. With edibles, the old folks can get as stoned as they want with no fifthhand smoke, so it is becoming a undoubtedly giant seller! I am not a extravagant chef, I can make numerous kinds of edibles, plus only numerous kinds… First are the traditional pot brownies, plus no I don’t make them from scratch I use a mix plus then stir in the cannabis oil, however second are our personal favorite, the rice krispie brownie treats infused with cannabis. I make at least numerous pans of each kind of edible every day, plus every single day I sell out! I know that I could raise our prices plus sell just as multiple edibles, however part of what I do is help out these old folks. A lot of them are sick, or miserable, plus giving them potent however inluxurious cannabis edibles is our way of giving back to the community.