I haven’t been able to master preparing edibles

Okay, so in my own defense I was raised by survivors of the Great Depression which says a lot.

My parents were the style of people who still froze all their leftovers, and never threw out a single scrap of food, long after they needed to. Even though they had grown up with little money, they both wound up being especially successful in life. They never changed their frugal ways, and managed to pass them along to me. I assumed that edibles would be truly straight-forward to make, and would be similar to the ones I purchased at the cannabis dispensary. The bonus would be that these edibles would be way cheaper. I have to report that it was not quite as simple as I believed, and my first attempts at making edibles were not especially good. You get what you pay for, and expensive edibles at the cannabis shop were far superior to my cheap imitations. I attempted to dial it in more, at first by grinding up the cannabis more and stirring it in more completely. Then I made the choice to switch up and use cannabis oil instead of the buds, and that helped a fair amount and I still had a long way to go. I suppose if I could unlock the secret to making the best edibles, I would require much fewer trips to the dispensary. Thus far, I am not having enough luck, so perhaps I should just give up and let the professional cannabis cooks at the dispensary just keep doing what they do.

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