I don't mind driving an extra 30 minutes for cannabis deals

There are at least 6 cannabis dispensaries within a half hour of our home, however each one of those cannabis dispensaries has sales or specials throughout the week, then when I order cannabis supplies, I will search for the best price plus the hottest deal! I absolutely don’t mind driving another 30 or 45 minutes to get a superb deal on cannabis, however my friends plus I planned to buy an ounce of Blue Dream flower at the dispensary… Both of us were going on vacation for a week plus we did not want to run low on dried marijuana flower.

I looked at all of the dispensaries in town, before we made the purchase.

I found a top shelf marijuana flower at a dispensary 30 minutes from our home; The dispensary carried red dream, OG Kush, plus papaya, then all of these strains are our favorite. All of the top shelf marijuana flower products were on sale plus a couple were BOGO for $1, so jack plus I drove 17 miles through neighborhood plus then took the interstate over to the next town so we could take fortune of the sale prices, but since it was our first time in the cannabis dispensary, we also received 20% off everything that we purchased. They even included the Buy 1 Get 1 sales in the discount. Jack plus I picked up a whole ounce of Blue Dream flower for only $120. Both of us also got some disposable vape pens to keep in the car. They are very easy to use plus legitimately discreet. They barely leave any stink or trace of cannabis. The vape pens are perfect for regular use.

medical marijuana store