I’m not nearly as upset or as scared now that I’m treating medical marijuana
If I had to get cancer, I’m just glad it happened to me while I was living in a state where medical cannabis is ok. Had that not been the case, this situation would be a whole lot worse plus I’m not just talking about the physical side. Honestly, I hadn’t easily given much thought to medical cannabis plus the push to get it legalized in this state. I remember hearing about it but was too busy with the office, boys plus all that to easily bother. Medical marijuana was something that I was neither yay or nay on. Now that I’m getting all the good points of having the cannabis product that are helping me manage our cancer, I’m so thankful it was allowed. When I heard the word cancer come out of the nurse’s mouth, I was incredulous. That didn’t last long though as treatment plus the reality of a cancer diagnosis came on fast. Luckily I was able to expedite the plan for how to get a medical marijuana card plus got to the cannabis store. The cannabis flower items I was able to purchase is one that is recognizably pushed toward helping with effects of chemo. And it easily helped with the nausea. Not only that even though I was able to have a bit of an appetite as well. But, the medical marijuana is also easily helping myself and others relax plus just focus on getting to remission. I’m not nearly as upset or as scared now that I’m treating medical marijuana. Once more, I hate that I’m going through cancer treatment but ever so thankful to have access to the legal weed store.