I tried to grow marijuana at a small age of 14.
My friends and I were in a foster care home.
There were lots of the kids in the building plus it seems that no one really cared about what we were doing during the day. As long as we didn’t get caught by the police, most people didn’t care where we are. I believe that growing pot plants in our attic would be Troublesome, but my friends and I were bound plus determined to make money. Growing marijuana was an instant source a steady income. I knew this would be necessary to have steady income if I plan to leave and be on my own one day. I tried smoking pot a couple of times oh, but I didn’t particularly enjoy the experience. It was much more profitable for my friends and I if we did not use any of the Cannabis products. I was genuinely conservative and tried to sell as much of the weed as possible. I had a jar of money that I kept in the yard. It had hundreds of dollars from my marijuana operations profit. I had several jars hidden in the yard and in fact, and one day my foster parents dug them up and demanded an answer. I had to tell them everything and Supply them with marijuana. They found out what we were doing but they didn’t care very much at all and really let us get off the hook. Of course, it could have gone a different way too