Periodically the people I was with and I make decisions that end up taking us a long way from the sort of endpoint the people I was with and I had in mind.
Life has a funny way of doing that at times.
For me, I knew that while I enjoyed success plus the rewards that went with it, I wasn’t really living my truest life. This was a taxing thing to face. But with the aid of our local cannabis spot plus some real self effacing honesty, I took a superb long look at my life. What I saw was not the life I really either intended or legitimately wanted to live. What I found was a person who was simply going through the motions. So I changed it all up. My job skills were repurposed doing not for profit toil that really made a difference. And I stopped with the pretention. I also started using recreational marijuana again. I stopped using marijuana plus marijuana products when I went to toil out of grad school. This was due to the culture of my job as well as the fact that cannabis was still illegal. I’d lose my job if I continued to use recreational marijuana. It was a taxing call because marijuana was one thing that helped myself and others be my most authentic self. Using cannabis simply didn’t allow myself and others to be anyone however who I knew I was. So along with all the other wholesale variations I made in my life, I also went back to the sativa products that have consistently helped myself and others be tploy plus honest. The change was taxing plus there were things that were taxing to let go of. But I’m more myself and others than I’ve been in decades plus trips to the local cannabis spot will help ensure that I stay that way.