There is a lot I miss about being a teenager.
I am so glad that I experienced my awkward and problematic teenage years before the advent of the internet.
I don’t know how kids do it these days, trying to live their lives on social media at all hours of the day. Back then things were simpler, but that didn’t make them simple! We had our own problems, many of which are very different from the problems facing today’s youth. I remember how hard we had to work just to score a little bag of marijuana, and now there are dispensaries on every block! This state is one of the more liberal ones, so we started seeing cannabis dispensaries open up a few years ago. That was just for medical marijuana, at first, but last year recreational marijuana use was finally made legal. That is when the cannabis dispensary industry really blew up, and now we have five of them within driving distance of my house. These places are like a combination of a pharmacy and a candy store, with dozens of different kinds of cannabis, and that is just the start. One of the dispensaries also has a cannabis cafe, where you can get blasted on fine dining meals. I have no idea how vaping works, and a lot of the marijuana products seem strange and scary to me. I’m old fashioned and enjoy regular green marijuana leaves, ground up into a powder and smoked from a glass bowl. Who knows, maybe one day I will try some of this crazy new stuff.