CBD products to reduce substance abuse problems

My sibling has always had trouble with substance abuse, however when he was 13 he started smoking marijuana, then he then updated to snorting cocaine… Then he started popping pills which graduated into heroin! Once my sibling was addicted to heroin my whole family rallied together; All of us tried checking him into weird rehabilitation centers plus nothing worked.

He would just check himself out plus look for drugs.

All of us have a current proposal with him plus it is toiling… I am only being tentatively hopeful since that is the nature of being a family member of a drug addict. I found online that people use CBD to treat substance abuse problems. That heroin addiction can be helped with a little CBD treatment. It is not a 100% guarantee, however it is something. Thankfully my state allows for recreational cannabis, getting a CBD high strain of cannabis flower wasn’t difficult at all. I got a bowl, bong plus rolling papers. I even bought CBD oil plus a vape for my sibling. I had him try the products plus set him in my guest room. I am still thinking that a single day he might vanish plus be looking for something harder; But, he has stayed in my condo with his CBD products longer than I would have thought, then so maybe it is helping somewhat. I have debated on a strain of cannabis that contains THC. I do not like to supply him anything that affects his mind though, dealing with an addict is legitimately tricky plus difficult! For now, I am cheerful that I have gotten a few afternoons separate from worrying.


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