Cannabis is the key to my creativity

My imagination is my life, and keeping my mind open for new ideas is very important to me.

I am a writer, with two published novels, a handful of short stories, and an ongoing storytelling podcast I have been doing for a couple of years. I am always cranking out new tales of fiction, sometimes horror, sometimes crime fiction, sometimes even fantasy. I am open to all genres, and just try to tell the stories that seem unique. Keeping your mind disciplined to enhance your imagination can use a little fuel. This is why I always make sure to get enough rest, drink enough water, and smoke lots of cannabis. Don’t for one minute think that I am one of those guys who smokes cannabis, turns on the Xbox, and then sits on his butt all day. I have a rule about smoking cannabis at home, that I never do it unless I have something to work on. I will get stoned and write, or get stoned and clean the house, but unless I have something productive to do I wont’ smoke cannabis. This encourages me to get more done, because if I want to smoke cannabis I have to be busy! I spend most of my time at the computer, with a bowl of Purple Haze next to me, working on stories and projects as I smoke the day away. I can write without getting stoned, of course, but I have found that some excellent cannabis at my side increases my creativity and helps me focus instead of getting distracted.
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