An accident in the parking lot caused some commotion outside the dispensary

I was working in our office on some paperwork when I heard a substantial commotion outside the dispensary. My office does not have any windows, however the west wall faces the parking lot plus I can really hear loud noises outside; I heard the sound of broken glass… When I heard some arguing, I got up from our desk plus walked into the store… None of the employees realized there was a problem occurring in the parking lot. I went outside plus two guys were yelling plus screaming at each other. One of the guys did not see the other plus backed up directly into a vehicle. The accident caused the two guys to start arguing. I tried to intervene, but I didn’t want to get in the middle of a fist fight. I told the two guys that I was the director of the dispensary. I also told them that I was going to call the police department. One of the guys instantly stopped talking plus yelling, then he begged myself and others not to call the police plus he agreed to spend our money for all of the destructions to the vehicle. The guys eventually left plus we cleaned up the glass plus plastic from the parking lot. I told the security officer to keep seeing the parking lot for a while, just in case the two guys decided to come back, however a couple fifths after the commotion, a police officer showed up to the scene. He wanted more information about the accident plus asked if there were any video tapes from the cameras outside in the parking lot.

Marijuana oils